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Voice of Cancer – Patient Discussion Forums

Becoming a Voice of Cancer is a unique and powerful way to join the South African and international fight against cancer and help make a difference in the lives of those affected by cancer. Anyone can become a Voice of Cancer. Give your time and energy and become part of the Voice of Cancer community. Here are ways you can become involved:

The Patient Advisory Board is a group of patients, sometimes with a particular condition or at certain point of treatment for a condition, who come together regularly to provide insight and input that helps healthcare providers to offer health services and products based on patient- and family-identified needs, rather than on the assumptions of clinicians or other role-players.

A Patient Advisory Board’s (PAB) primary function is for patients to provide their invaluable perspectives to stakeholders and providers about how to make improvements, with the goal of better serving all patients.

The importance of “patient engagement” has been widely researched and discussed, with evidence supporting its significance on reducing costs and improving patient outcomes.

Patient and their families can help identify what has been done well during their journey and pinpoint areas for improvement. They’ll be helping stakeholders and role-players move beyond the “what is wrong” stage to developing effective solutions.

Patient Advisory Board members are committed volunteers, comprising patients, their family members, and caregivers. PABs often have specific eligibility criteria for membership, be it disease-specific, geographic or treatment-related.